2011 Bus Trip

The inaugural guy bus trip has come to an end. It was a great shakedown trip, and the bus performed great. Below is a spreadsheet detailing the costs to drive a bus from Maine to Idaho and back. These are probably similar to the cost for any RV trip of that distance. – Bryan, Paul, Chris and Quint

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This slideshow will be updated continuously during the trip:

A video of our gold panning adventure outside Idaho Springs, CO:

Here is the spreadsheet of our costs:

This map details the route we took on our trip:
map of our bus trip


  1. zbot Newbob October 12, 2011 at 7:27 pm #

    That looks like it was a fun trip. I bet it feels good to sleep in a normal bed after weeks on the road! Happy Trails!!!

  2. Cynthia October 10, 2011 at 7:49 am #

    It’s been so much fun watching your trip progress. Thanks for setting up the site. I’m looking forward to hearing all Paul, Quint and Chris’ stories very soon. We’re all having supper at Chris and Leslie’s when the Bluebird flies in this evening.

  3. Bryan Bibeau October 9, 2011 at 9:03 am #

    Please feel free to leave a comment! You may notice it does not appear immediately. Currently I approve comments before they are public, to ensure no SPAM makes it through. Thanks! Bryan

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