
Tomorrow morning (Sunday) I leave Cordova en route to Gainesville. I’m loading my new truck on the ferry at 8am and heading across to Valdez. From there, I’ll drive mostly through Canada until I get to Winnipeg, then down through North Dakota. I’m looking foward to the drive, and I think the pups are too. Here’s a picture of the 95 Chevy I bought up in Fairbanks:
1995 Chevy 1500 2wd V6
I’ve been collecting interesting school bus pictures ever since I decided to live in one. It just so happens that my favorite place to eat in Cordova is at Baja Tacos. I think it’s equal parts ambiance and great food that draw me there. If you’re ever in Cordova, you should stop by.
Baja Taco in Cordova, AK school bus
My plans aren’t anywhere near finalized, so I’ll wait to let people know what I’m up to once I’m actually up to it!

This entry was posted in B's Blog.


  1. Eventer August 14, 2006 at 8:07 pm #

    “Finalized” is always a questionable word to use with you. . .

  2. Jen August 14, 2006 at 10:44 am #

    Looks like I’ll probably be attending a seminar in Denver mid-November. If you are out in Las Vegas, maybe I can make a detour!

  3. Muttie August 13, 2006 at 6:41 am #

    Great bus photo… When anyone asks me what you’re doing these days, I tell them “I haven’t heard from him today, but last I knew he was….” It’s a great life your living, the year of the big travel 🙂