Testing out my new TH-D72A in APRS mode. It looks like there should be a repeater on Mt. Ellen that will pick us up. This should start showing data points on Friday, March 9th.
Testing out my new TH-D72A in APRS mode. It looks like there should be a repeater on Mt. Ellen that will pick us up. This should start showing data points on Friday, March 9th.
Finally was able to get my homemade APRS transmitter working tonight! I’m using a Byonics TinyTrak 3 SMT TNC with a Parallax GPS, hooked to my Wouxun HT. There seems to be something weird going on with the PTT circuit that I haven’t quite figured out yet. The TT3 doesn’t always seem able to pull down the 5V PTT singnal on the handheld. I’m thinking about adding an external transistor if I can’t get it to work reliably.
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