Monthly Archives: September 2012

New battery charger

I have a 12v / 4500mAh battery that I’ve been using with my FT-817nd. It is NiMH technology and is lighter than a comparable SLA battery. The problem has been charging, since I only had a SLA charger. Today I picked up a Thunder Power TP610C-ACDC charger from Hobbytown that can charge LiPo, LiFePO4 (and other lithium types), NiMH, NiCad, Lead acid and maybe others. It has some really nice features. I’m planning to also put together a Li-ion pack using surplus camera batteries, so I wanted a versatile charger.


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Gulf Hagas

Paul and I took the Blue Bird of Happiness to Gulf Hagas this year for the annual bus trip. We had trouble at the gate. They told us we were too big for the active logging road. Our solution? The moto! Nope, that’s too small she exclaimed.

So, we found a camping spot out an unused logging road. The next day we searched for a secret road into Gulf Hagas on the moto, but found it does not exist. We hitched a ride from the gate.



There are more photos at Smugmug!

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