Well, at least nothing really bad has happened yet. Yesterday when I stopped and got out of the van, I noticed a nail sticking out of the sidewall on one of my new tires. I plugged it, but it doesn’t look so safe having a plug in the sidewall. Hopefully I can find a dealer somewhere along the way for these tires (had to order them from the net). Also, I’ve noticed oil in my cooland expansion tank. There is no coolant in the engine oil, so I’m not sure where the contamination is occuring yet.
I stayed at a rest stop along I-70 in Ohio last night, near the town of Sonora. It was cold! I’m not sure how cold, but my little heater barely kept up. If it’s this cold again tonight, I’ll sleep with the top down. The picture below was taken in Arendtsville, PA yesterday. The site there is high up in the apple orchards overlooking town.
Bummer about the tire. Can’t even blame this one on Ralph! Glad nothing too bad happened when it blew. Still scary though. I hope you make it to the Great White North in one piece!
I like the van. The stakes sound good.
Yeah, get good tires for sure… Stay safe 🙂
What an adventure! I like the falling buses, nice touch.