Change of Extremes

Well, last night was my best night of camping so far on this trip. I spent the day driving and hiking in the Valley of the Gods. I stayed at Gooseneck State Park, in SE Utah, along with several other campers. The first picture below is a view from the front of my VW. The weather was perfect, about 65 degF. I ran 5k with with the pups, showered outside, and watched the sun go down. This morning I got up and decided to drive to the Grand Canyon North Rim. The second picture is of a sandstorm I drove through for hours, near Monument Valley. When I arrived at the Grand Canyon, I found it closed for the season. Blahhh!!! So, I found Zion N.P. on my map and decided to head there. It’s located in SW Utah, and it is absolutely amazing! That’s the third picture. I saw a fellow Westy driver already camped, and went a knocking. There was plenty of space in his campsite, so I convinced him to let me split the fees with him. So, very nice campsite for $8. BTW, it’s been snowing and cold here; quite a change from where I woke up.

Gooseneck State Park, UT
Sandstorm near Monument Valley, UT
Zion National Park, UT

This entry was posted in B's Blog.

One Comment

  1. Eventer April 6, 2006 at 6:31 pm #

    Wow, those are some amazing pics! Definitely keep ’em coming. 🙂 I’m enjoying seeing all the places you’re going. Glad you and the pups are having fun camping and hiking and all that. Hope Anna’s little paws are feeling better.

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