A Bachelor Party!

Thanks to Jason, Raphael, Paul, Chris, and Arnie for a great unexpected bachelor party! Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I’d be taking the Blue Bird of Happiness to Portland for that celebration. But it was fun and it was a surprise. Raphael somehow got a license plate for the bus and sent it to Paul. He flew to Maine on an early flight before the wedding and helped get things set up. I though Jason and I were just going out for a beer in Lewiston. After about an hour of drinking beers at the Blue Goose Bar, up drives the Blue Bird full of partiers. That’s the first time I’ve been out until 4am in a long, long time 🙂
Bryan Bibeau Bachelor Party School Bus Paul Raphael Jason Arnie Chris

This entry was posted in B's Blog.

One Comment

  1. Andy October 3, 2016 at 8:37 am #

    Who is who in this picture? Who is the man behind the camera?

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