Fayette Woodpile


Originally uploaded by mainelife.

Toby and I were busy this morning cutting, splitting, and stacking nearly a cord of firewood for this coming winter. I’m tentatively planning to move back here over the winter and put a basement on my cabin.

Cabin with "Indian Corn" stain

Originally uploaded by mainelife.

I was able to get the three finished walls of my cabin stained on my short trip to Maine. The stain is a semi-transparent oil-based manufactured by Cabot. It covered the rough pine with a single coat, and went on quickly and easily. I have the siding for the east wall (you can see I left it unfinished), and will probably get that and the gables finished after the foundation is done.

This entry was posted in B's Blog.


  1. Eventer June 25, 2006 at 9:18 am #

    Wow, the cabin looks great! I like the color a lot. And that’s a mighty lotta firewood – you guys musta been workin hahd!

  2. Muttie June 24, 2006 at 9:14 pm #

    I am, of course, thrilled to think you’ll be coming back in the fall… It’s such a joy to have you ‘home’ and to have as many family members gathered ’round as possible… It’s really special to have you, your brother, Avery and your sister all at the breakfast table…

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